Young teens cannot be trusted to control their hormonal urges, so they were rarely ever given the opportunity. Even in large towns, those who have reached a marrying age, have their choices limited to those they grew up with, which... Read More
Of course there are seasons. Spring has babies and autumn has leaves. Winter has snow and for the most part everyone stays at home, all rugged up, and we eat from the bountiful produce reaped during the year. Even the... Read More
Each of the oceans has a point of no return, beyond which no sailor has come back from. So of course there is much speculation, and primarily sea monsters are imagined to be sinking boats and disabling ships, gargantuan versions... Read More
Like all place names, it is by consensus, yet starts from the idea of one. The Emergery is the name used for this continent, and all of it that has been mapped, by the wise folk, the wizards, scientists and... Read More
It was first described a generation ago, when for a few days of the year rain fell that was red, and thick, like it was mixed with blood. It stained the ground and then sank deep within, as if drawn... Read More
Running through the middle of the Emergery is a sizeable river, which splinters off to the north and south, fanning out into a delta as it reaches the coast. In the middle of all that is a dark, treacherous swamp,... Read More