It was first described a generation ago, when for a few days of the year rain fell that was red, and thick, like it was mixed with blood. It stained the ground and then sank deep within, as if drawn below by its own gravity. The same few days, at the same time of year, every year, ever since, the red rain has fallen.

It appears to have no direct effect at all, with crops that are sprayed with it neither wilting or flourishing. And it harms not the people or animals that it touches. It doesn’t even want to touch them, for it slides off them and sinks into the ground or pavement or sea beneath.

Scholars maintain that the rain is becoming more voluminous, but it is hard to measure. It will not stay in any cup or container. It is alive and heads ever downwards, even if that means going up as well.

God’s blood it is called by some, despite no good coming from it. Devil’s blood say others, and they might be onto something, because with each dose of red rain the new creatures emerging in our world, whether out of the ground or shadows, increase by range and numbers. The Emergery is evolving rapidly and the red rain cannot be a coincidence.